Card Dead is a darkly humorous and sometimes shocking tale of retribution.
Set three years after the events of Killing Lionel (2019) Card Dead follows a character named Woody and ultimately, his quest for revenge. Having just been released from prison after serving a stretch for a bungled drugs pick-up, Woody goes to visit his old boss, local club owner and crime lord Jack Crooks. During his time in prison, Woody had ample time to figure out why he was sat rotting in a jail cell and those responsible for everything that had gone wrong in his life to date, and during his meeting with Jack he sets up a poker game in order to watch all of his enemies crumble and fall before him. The poker game in question takes place in Jacks card room, and there are five players taking part, Thirty Three year old Billy Seage, a playboy and Gambler, Forty Nine year old local strip club owner Lenny Hall, Fifty Six year old Entrepreneur Rolo Jones, Twenty Nine year old Dorian White and Thirty Five year old ex-Army man Tony sparks. The game plays out under the watchful eye of Jack and his henchmen Eddie and Sully, with barman Leo Crooks, roller-skating waitress Peaches and the mysterious Dealer all being in on the plot. As the hands are played out the tension between the players mounts as things start to go horrifically wrong for them until they are down to the last two players. A highly tense heads-up battle occurs between the two remaining players with the stakes being much higher than just money.
Concept artwork by P J Carroll copyright © 2016